In an effort to provide residents of the town with a better look at police work and to give everyone a more in-depth look at law enforcement, the Hillsdale Police Department has instituted a Ride-Along Program. Residents of town can sign up and patrol with a Hillsdale Police Officer. The ride along gives the residents a chance to go on patrol and interact with one of our officers while they attend to their duties. Safety is very important for the Hillsdale Police Department and certain restrictions apply. Please see this article from NorthJersey.com that does an outstanding job explaining what our ride-along program philosophy is. The following criteria will apply and participants will be required to follow certain guidelines and restrictions:
Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
Participants must be Hillsdale residents.
Participants will be required to sign a liability waiver.
Participants will be observers only, remaining in the car at all times.
Participants must pre-register!
The purposes of the Ride-Along Program include the following:
The Program will be an introduction to police work in general.
The Program offers an opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves with the community, its problems, design, details and the various operations, equipment and personnel serving our Boro.
For reasons of liability, the 'Ride Along' car will be limited in emergency response to include the following:
The participants will ride in a patrol vehicle which not be given specific assignments.
They will perform such details as street light observations, hazards/dangerous intersection details.
They will be on a 'Community Watch' type of patrol.
There will be a limit of 30-60 minute rides in the patrol vehicle per Ride-Along Participant.
P.O. Rooney is available on a first-come first-served basis for ride along appointments, and all applications are subject to review. For more information you may contact P.O. Rooney at Police Headquarters (201)664-4200 or you can email him crooney@hillsdalepolice.com You may also complete an online application form and P.O. Rooney will contact you. The form is located below, please fill in all information.