Successful Coffee with a Cop!

On 11/12/2022, the Hillsdale Police Department in cooperation with Inserra Supermarkets hosted a "Coffee with a Cop" event at the Hillsdale Shop Rite. The event was attended by members of the Hillsdale Police Department with the goal to interact with the community.
Coffee with a Cop allows citizens to meet with police officers in an environment that facilitates relaxed conversations. Hillsdale Police Officers spoke with many residents about a variety of issues facing our community. We discussed topics from traffic control on side streets, firearms law, road construction, and flooding. 
We listened to what every resident had to say and made necessary referrals to the departments that could address the issues. We are looking forward to hosting another event in the first quarter of 2023. 
We would like to thank Inserra Supermarkets for hosting the event and we would also like to thank the residents who came to the event and spoke with us about their concerns.
The Hillsdale Police Department has been hosting "Coffee with a Cop" events since 2013 and we look forward to celebrating one decade of Coffee with a Cop with our residents in 2023. 



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