permit to carry

Firearms Identification Card and Permits to Purchase Handguns and Permits to Carry

Hillsdale Police Department Points of Contact for Firearms Permitting:

Sgt. Matt Buesser

Sgt. Dave Sayers

P.O. Joseph Roma

P.O. Dominick SpecialE

The following are instructions for obtaining a New Jersey Firearms I.D. Card, Pistol Purchase Permit:

The Firearms Bureau handles all the applications for Firearms Identification Cards and Permits to Purchase Handguns.  Please follow the directions below to apply for a Firearms ID Card or a Pistol Purchase Permit.  A PDF version of the document can also be found attached at the bottom of this article.

If you need any assistance you may contact our firearms bureau at or by calling 201-664-4200.

FARS Application Procedures

Effective 12/22/22, Assembly No. A4769 raised the fees for a Firearms Purchaser Identification card to $50.00 and Permits to Purchase Handguns to $25.00 each. All fees must be paid by check or money order and are non-refundable.



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